the keys to launch
their careers.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
the career planning guide you need.
the "Failure to Launch"
and college students identify and go after their
dream job.
the career planning guide you need.
make those decisions that can set them up for success in life.
your student!
the career planning guide you need.
Failure to launch is a real thing....
As parents, one of our main jobs is to “launch” our children into the world prepared to create successful and independent lives. Sadly, sometimes they don’t take those steps as a teenager or young adult in their 20’s. “The Dream Job Blueprint” can help your son or daughter by not only identifying attractive professional careers, but also by putting them on course to achieve those roles.
The program is effective for students with one or more of these characteristics:
- They seem lost when talking about job/career prospects.
- They are highly anxious about what life will be like after school.
- They are in college and can’t settle on a major.
- They do very well academically but are hitting a wall in terms of how they want to continue their academic careers.
- They are a student-athlete that wants to play their sport as long as they can, especially in college, but they don’t think about life after athletics.
- They don’t know if they want to – or should – go to college.
The SOLUTION to many of these problems is gaining a new mindset towards a new path in life and The Dream Job Blueprint helps your kids do that.
What is The Dream Job Blueprint?
Simply put, it’s an exercise to help young people figure out what they want to do professionally and a plan to help them construct the strategy to go get it.
First, the Blueprint is designed to help students create professional choices that are available to them through identifying their own interests, abilities and audiences.
Second, the Blueprint teaches students what is required to get a possible dream job and then helps them create a “blueprint” that shows how they can use their education to be academically and professionally prepared to take on that career.
Third, it encourages students to take action in going after their goals and gain a sense of purpose for their lives.
You need to look at The Dream Job Blueprint if you are....
…a Parent of a teen/college student
If you are the parent of a teen that needs a little push in terms of getting ready for life after school, The Dream Job Blueprint can be that solution. By helping the student identify career paths they might enjoy, the program pushes students to take action in making those “dream careers” a reality.
We look to make that change happen – to get from a position of inaction to action studying what intrinsically motivates your student and pushing them towards a goal they feel they need and want to accomplish.
By creating a plan of action that they can show you, they can also give you more security and peace of mind in knowing they have a plan and an objective that gets them off of the couch and on with life.
…a High School/College Administrator or Counselor
No matter if you are talking about at-risk students or valedictorians, every student in your school has something they want to do with their life – it’s a matter of uncovering or discovering it that can really turn on their intellectual flame.
The Dream Job Blueprint can help uncover that idea and then help students identify what they need to learn in school that can help them understand and master that aspiration and give that education a purpose in students’ eyes. It can also show them how disciplines outside of that aspiration can be of service to the student in other areas of life.
How do I get The Dream Job Blueprint?
We offer a wide range of ways to help your student find and follow a life path – even if you are on a strict budget.
Great for self starters, the e-book can be done at your own pace at the most economical price.
Online Course
Video taught, the online class allows a student to go at their own pace.
How it all works....
This is the process of how we get you from where you are to where you want to be professionally.
Find your passions
Identify your interests, abilities and audiences to form your dream careers.
Narrow them down
We take you through a series of exercises to determine your strongest avenues for success.
Build success blueprints
We reverse engineer the process of getting to point B from point A.
Set plan in motion
We create the infrastructure to give you the best chance of success.
What Clients Say
"What [Bill] did was he laid "passion" out in a way I had never heard before - and you could see the kids start to re-prioritize and see how academics could have a great impact on their life."
"After meeting with Bill, my daughter had a plan that she could execute in life after graduation."
"I honest wish I had this as a student. It would have made life choices a whole lot easier."
Contact Us
Feel free to drop us a line with a question or comment or see how we can help your teen or college student find professional direction in their life.
Check us out on the platforms below.